Lunar Yoga with Yogi Baby ~ Day 17

Yesterday, Yogi Baby saw that the moon was totally full. Today, and for the next few days, it will be waning gibbous. Yogi Baby has seen some successful outcomes and benefits from the actions she has taken over the last several days, and perhaps you can point to a few for yourself, as well. She knows that this is a good day to continue to remain open to receiving new opportunities or results.


Still under the energy of the Full Moon, however, it is common to be feeling a heightened tension to find balance. With so much that has happened since the First Quarter Moon, this may feel like an overwhelming time. Even if you have been reaping benefits, you may feel exhausted. An attitude of laziness toward your ongoing goals and intentions may be creeping in. Laziness is, in fact, one of the obstacles named in the Yoga Sutras. When the mind becomes lazy and loses interest and alertness toward the higher goal, it does something. And, that “something” is often be a slow descent toward sensual enjoyments or an overindulgence in energy-depleting, temporary pleasures.

Person Lying on Bed Covering White Blanket

Laziness can be an obstacle, not only due to overwhelm, but also because of a sense of satisfaction with the accomplishments gained so far.  Be mindful of losing interest or focus on your journey because of a sense of pride. Pause to celebrate, yes, but there may be more to be done. Use caution if celebrating achievements during this time, for celebrations may lead to an overindulgence of sensual enjoyments, as well. That choice may cycle back to the obstacle of laziness and consequently, an actual loss of any ground you have gained along your journey.

So, today, it becomes important to maintain focus and commitment to your course of action with a vision that remains clear. Do not allow the obstacle of laziness to set in now. Rather, stay alert and keep an open heart as new developments may continue to unfold for you. In fact, you may even consider moving toward that which you may be resisting.

Woman with paper with cross sign

Yogi Baby had to think, “What is it that I am most resisting?”

And, then she knew. “That is what I will do today.”

Here’s your invitation to sit with YB in an Easy Cross-Leg Seat, sukhasana, and place your open palms, right over left, at your heart. Close your eyes, and ask that same question of yourself. Quietly listen for the answer that comes to you; the very first one you hear.


Keep the answer in your mind and focus upon what you know needs to be done today as you stretch your right arm up and over your right shoulder, and send your left arm behind your back. See if your fingertips will connect in Cow Face Pose for the arms. Clasp and pull to get a nice stretch along the arms and for the shoulders. Hold a belt between your hands if your fingertips don’t quite touch. With exhales and inhales of the same length, sama vritti, breathe with an even and steady rhythm, and close your eyes. Bend forward until you naturally stop; no need to push to fold deeper. After a few breaths, change sides and repeat.


Next, to balance your emotions and stimulate your Small Intestine Meridian (and your Heart Meridian; its yin partner), press the outer tips of your pinky fingers together and cup your hands over your closed eyes. Use your thumbs to massage the outer edges of your eyes and temples. Appreciate this simple pleasure. Make this an act of self-love. See yourself succeeding in the task that you will complete today. Feel it as a labor of love.

heart, wood, logs

When you have done this for long enough, place your open palms back on your heart space. With closed eyes, take a few more of those slow, even breaths as you repeat the mantra, “I am open.”

As you open your eyes, you and Yogi Baby are ready. With a tone of determination, she says, “Let’s get to it!”