Lunar Yoga© is a practice that is essentially very yin, but includes some yang for balance just as the taijitu symbol shows; a bit of yin (black areas) within the yang (white areas), and a bit of yang within the yin.

It is a practice that is based upon working with, rather than against, the various energies of the cycles of the moon. Yogi Baby likes this practice because within it, she may consider one or all of the Eight Limbs of Yoga.

There are 30 different Lunar Yoga practices, one for each day of the moon’s cycle. Day One begins one day before the New Moon, for if we are paying attention, we can already feel its quieting effects. Each day, Yogi Baby might practice part or all of the asana sequence along with some of the other elements for that Day, or she may choose to just sit in sukhasana (an easy seated position) and breathe through a few rounds of the Day’s pranayama and then contemplate a yama or niyama before spending a while in meditation.
As you follow along with these upcoming blog posts, you will find an offering to participate in various samplings of Yogi Baby’s practice for that Day.
Please reach out on the Contact Page to be added to the email list so that you don’t miss an opportunity to sample a Day of Lunar Yoga with Yogi Baby.